Dean of
Community Service Programs Chaired by Second Vice President, acts as liaison between Federation and the
CSP Chairmen to assist them with their duties.
Arts & Culture
(originally Arts)
Encourages participation in all areas of the arts through trips to exhibits, theater and other programs.
Civic Engagement and Outreach (originally Public Affairs) Alerts members to needs and concerns of the community with regard to crime prevention, safety, legislation, historic preservation, veterans' and citizenship issues.
(originally Conservation)
Sponsors conservation, beautification and environmental projects.
and Libraries (originally Education)
Selects recipients for Club's high school scholarship awards, recommends other state and federation scholarships, and participates in other community education and literacy projects.
Health and
Wellness (originally Home Life)Plans programs pertaining to our community, health, and homes such as substance abuse, family economics and women's health.
Outreach Promotes understanding of and involvement in international issues through cultural exchanges, children's outreach and United Nation's programs.
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Verifies authenticity of the Treasurer's records at end of each fiscal year.
Chaired by the previous past President and oversees awards given at the
Spring Luncheon
Oversees the review, revision and recording by by-laws, constitution and club policy.
Chaired by the First Vice President, oversees telephone communication with the
members for special events and announcements.
Community Improvement
Selects and directs a suitable two-year community improvement project. Submits a report of the completed project to Federation.
liaison to the GFWC/CT, informs and encourages members to participate in Federation activities and registers participation.
Prepares the annual budget and supervises the finances of the Club.
Documents and photographs club events, awards and publicity.
Arranges for monthly meeting places, set up and clean up.
Chaired by the First Vice President, sponsors activities to encourage club growth and strengthen membership.
Mentor Program The Mentor Program supports second
year members in being active in club committee work and
social activities.
distributes/posts to website the monthly newsletter.
Presents the slate of offices for election: two members from the board and three from the Club at large, announced at the November General Meeting.
Parliamentary Advisor
Chaired by the Third Vice President, oversees funds and awards of charitable donations.
Plans programs for General Meetings.
Public Relations
Publicized club events, activities and meetings to community and maintains club press book.
Spring Luncheon
Arranges the spring installation luncheon.
Chaired by the Corresponding Secretary, coordinates cards to ailing
members and gifts in honor of deceased members or the deceased spouse,
child or grandchild of a member.
Volunteer Hours
Tallies and reports to Federation all out-of-club volunteer service hours.
All in-club volunteer hours are reported to the chair of committees,
fellowship and/or special interest groups.
Ways and Means
Chaired by the Second Treasurer, plans annual fund raising events for the
Club. Every member is expected to participate in and support these efforts.
Maintains club website.
Year Book
Chaired by the Corresponding Secretary, compiles, publishes and
distributes the yearbook for the September Meeting.
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Special Interest Groups
In a Pinch
Emergency assistance to members for food, transportation and other needs.
Morning Glory
A breakfast program held at the Dorothy Day House of Hospitality.
WCDNF members work in teams to serve meal on chosen days of the month.
No-Sew Blankets Meetings will be
announced in the monthly newsletter.
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Fellowship Groups
Book Study - Between
the Covers Meets seven times during the year for discussion of selected books.
Book Study - Sci-Fi - Under
the Stars Meets the last Friday of every month. We discuss
everything Sci-Fi - books, movies, TV shows, etc.
Bridge - Sunday Couples Bridge
Meets second Sunday of the month from 6pm to 10pm in members' homes
for appetizers, desserts and bridge. Spouses included.
If you find you cannot hostess on your assigned date, please trade with
someone and notify the chairman.
Bridge -
Wednesday Afternoon Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month,
arrive at 12:30 pm, to members homes. Bridge starts promptly at
12:45 pm.
Bridge - Thursday Afternoon
Meets second Thursday of the month at
1:00 pm, in members' homes.
Canasta Meets
every Monday at 1:00 pm at the Sterling Woods II Platinum Club.
Group North/South Providing
an opportunity to discover things about ourselves, our community and the
First Fridays
Members, spouses, and singles meet the first Friday of designated months
in member's homes for social evening.
Flick Chicks
Meets on the second Wednesday of every month to take in a movie
(matinee or early evening) followed by a social hour to discuss the movie.
Coordinates outings on Thursdays, open to all levels. Contact by Sunday
night. April through October.
Meets 3rd Wednesdays at
9:00am for trail hikes.
BR Knitters
Meets once a month on the second Tuesday.
Lunch Bunch
Explores, educates and enjoys culinary delights at restaurants.
Mah Jong
Meets once a week on Thursday at 1:00 pm.
Social Bowling The
group is open to all levels of bowling. Meets every Friday, 12:00
pm, at Strikers in Brookfield. Come when you can
and join the fun.
"Sweet 01' Broads" meets twice monthly to enjoy each other's company
while working on the hobby or craft of their choice.
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